Perhaps in-store crime can be radically reduced with a more finessed approach
Noel Verbruggen, SEO Intrepid Security Solutions is a fan of old movies, and here he talks about how a scene in one of them inspires him to ‘keep things simple’…
I am a fan of old movies.
One of my favourites is the original Italian Job. And the scene where the bank robbers, led by Michael Caine, are practicing blowing open the doors of a van with dynamite has become iconic…
Using too much explosive, the whole vehicle is destroyed and wreckage widely scattered across a field, leading to Caine’s brilliant dead pan delivery of, “You’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!”
With apologies to (now) Sir Michael specifically, and Alfred Nobel (Swedish inventor of dynamite, as well as Founder of the world renowned “Prizes”) generally, sometimes less IS more.
And that got me thinking about an innovative approach to shop theft that we have just launched at Intrepid…
As incidents of in-store crime have risen dramatically, so have the complexities (and cost) of fighting this once “acceptable level” of loss. I should know… my company sells some of the best! And, of course, all solutions have their place. It just depends upon all the circumstances.
However, perhaps in the absence of available cap ex budget, and in the face of the need to do what is euphemistically referred to as “more with less,” but often means “make savings… now!” there is a solution that is easy and fast to implement, does not require new infrastructure or staff training and won’t leave you feeling like you’ve been “robbed.”
Intrepid’s new branded security tag overlay is already working for retailers across the UK, like The Perfume Shop…
By overlaying either AM or RFID branded security tags with a tamper evident laminate, your branded tags are virtually impossible to remove from high risk items.
This helps prevent shop theft by removal of tags, reduces refund fraud (because items without your label are not from your stores) and reduces the black market value of high value items where interference with tags has inevitably caused unsightly damage to product packaging. It also means that with branded tags your brand is reinforced to honest customers AND helps you serve them better. Simple!
To test its effectiveness, all you do is apply the new tag in-store instead of the old one. No capital expenditure. No major retraining for staff or disturbance to the store to fit new technology. You just use these new laminated tags instead of your old ones, with your existing detection systems. And they are very easy to test in any retail business.
Sometimes in business we perhaps look for complex solutions to complex problems when, actually, restraint and simplicity is what is needed; solutions like our security tag overlay, that leaves you shaking your head and wondering why nobody else has done it before.
Fortunately though, now we have!
To enjoy the legendary film clip, click HERE