Premium People Counter

Our People Counting systems allow you to make customer count versus sales comparisons, determine optimal operating hours and personnel levels, evaluate marketing campaigns, adjust or improve your marketing activities, and make comparisons between affiliates or employees (Benchmarking). If necessary, our software can be easily integrated with your current software.

Our premium People Counter does so much more...

Using overhead camera technology offering over 95% accuracy

  • Count people and in and out – very useful for multi entrance sites – which is busier? Is one used more in or out for example?.

  • Data is pushed to a website portal offering data within 15-30 mins.

  • A range of reporting functions available at the click of a button.

  • Manual download of data.

  • Compare multi sites.

  • Unlimited user access across your business to the website for increased data analysis.

  • Option to auto export the data into your own reporting systems – allowing for internal reports to be made.

  • Option to import your Transactions (& sales) on a nightly basis allowing for conversion rates to be visible by the time you open the next working day.

  • Cass Art have used Intrepid for many years in all their stores across the UK. "Intrepid always go above and beyond with the service levels provided, whether that’s a quick phone call for advice or a call out from one of their experienced and knowledgeable engineers.”

    Shannon Langston, Head of Retail Ops, Cass Art

  • “I have worked with Intrepid for a number of years and always appreciate the level of support and responsiveness from the team, be it maintaining existing installations or sourcing and trialling new potential solutions everything is completed at pace to high level of professionalism with a personal touch.”

    Simon Moss, B&Q National Security Manager